Monday, 11 April 2011

Comfy Fashion

On a recent trip home I noticed a reoccuring word that I don't usually connect to fashion - comfy.  As a kiwi living in another country I noticed that every shop I went into had "comfy fashion" in abundance.

Maybe living in the "Fashion Capital of Australia" for a number of years now I can now hear the NZ accent and see the NZ fashion trends.

I always thought that NZ and Aussie fashion was pretty much the same, there are a lot of the Aussie chain stores in NZ but the NZ ones seem to follow the "comfy fashion".

I commented on this to my Mother who thought maybe it was just the "older fashion", so the next day I was shopping with my friend and made the same comment to which she thought that I was wrong and perhaps I should got to Aucklands fashion capital of Newmarket.  Even there I notice the trend towards t-shirts, leggings, and tops with the stretch factor.  Where do you buy structured garments from in NZ?

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